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mp3seznam.cz - Žádný ze zde umístěných souborů se nenachází na tomto serveru. Proto nezodpovídáme za jejich kvalitu ani za porušování autorských práv - tuto zodpovědnost nese server na který odkazujeme.
 1. EDUCAUSE  EC07-016-Teaching and Learning Experiences in a User-Created Virtual World  EDUCAUSE 2007 
 2. Awakenings - Text - Chapter 4  Right Teaching and Right Learning  A Course In Miracles 
 3. Alexandra Juhasz  Learning from and Teaching on YouTube  The Future of Writing Conference at UCI 
 4. Columbia University  Teaching and learning – best practices  Video, Education, and Open Content 
 5. KerryJ, Greg Black, Tomaz Lasic, Allison Miller, Cherry Stewart  Collaboration in Teaching and Learning  SICTAS 
 6. Glenda McPherson & Malcolm Jolly  Virtual Worlds – Real Learning!   
 7. Peter Dunbar-Hall  Rethinking music teaching and learning  Twilight Lecture Series 
 8. Peter Dunbar-Hall  Rethinking music teaching and learning  Twilight Lecture Series 
 9. Brian Gudmundson  Questions, the Heart of Learning and Teaching  Ensign, January 2008 
 10. St. Therese of Lisieux  Ch. 10: The New Commandment. Learning from teaching the novices.  The Story of a Soul 
 11. St. Therese of Lisieux  Ch. 10: The New Commandment. Learning from teaching the novices.  The Story of a Soul 
 12. Dr. Kelvin Thompson  7 Things I've Learning About Teaching Online with Sakai  Of Courses Online at http://ofcoursesonline.com 
 13. Summer Hanson  Global Teaching and Learning in the Health Sciences  HSLC Lecture Capture 
 14. Heidi Trottam, Larry Johnson, Alan Levine  The Next Generation of Digital Learning Spaces: Exploring the Frontier of Virtual Worlds  EDUCAUSE ELI 2007 Annual Conference 
 15. Allan Carrington  Allan on the scene with the 2005 EDUCAUSE Teaching and Learning Awards Winners  EDUCAUSE Conferences 
 16. Alex Ragone and arvind grover  21st Century Learning #68: Christian Long from Think Lab on Teaching and School Design  21st Century Learning #68: Christian Long on from Think Lab on Teaching and School Design 
 17. Wesley A. Fryer  Podcast142: Rethinking Teaching: How Online Learning Can and Should Completely Alter Your View of Education  Moving at the Speed of Creativity Podcasts 
 18. Flavia & Lorenzo  Is this the world We Created   
 19. Hans Theessink Band  God created the world  Slow Train 
 20. Damien Youth  The World You Created  Strangers 
 21. Katharine Berry Judson  How Old Man Above Created the World--Shastika (Cal.)  LibriVox Short Story Collection Vol. 038 
 22. Katharine Berry Judson  How Old Man Above Created the World--Shastika (Cal.)  LibriVox Short Story Collection Vol. 038 
 23. Ron Bates  The World's No:1 LinkedIn USer  TPN :: The Connections Show 
 24. Diane Mangum  Diane Mangum - Heavenly Father and Jehovah Created the World  Friend, February 2010 
 25. John Calvin  The World, created by God, still cherished and protected by Him. Each and all of its parts governed by His Providence.  INSTITUTES OF THE CHRISTIAN RELIGIONBOOK FIRST 
 26. John Calvin  The World, created by God, still cherished and protected by Him. Each and all of its parts governed by His Providence.  INSTITUTES OF THE CHRISTIAN RELIGIONBOOK FIRST 
 27. Radio New Zealand  Virtual World  Afternoons 
 28. Sanyo project  My virtual world   
 29. Sanyo project  My virtual world   
 30. Sanyo project  My virtual world   
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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